OrchLab Open Events (Open Web Training, OrchLab Festival Day) are free to attend. However, we understand that organisations may find travel or staff costs a barrier to attending. For each OrchLab Open Event, a bursary to support travel and staff expenses is available for organisations to apply for, if staff or transport costs would otherwise preclude them from participating.
How the process works
Before Open Event:
- At the same time as applying to attend the relevant OrchLab Open Event (Open Web Training or Festival Day), you should also complete an OrchLab Open Event Financial Support Application Form
This will need to be completed at least one month before the Open Event date, but a specific deadline will be specified for each Event. The form will ask you to list your expected travel and/or staff costs only
- Once your form as been submitted, the LPO will come back within two weeks, to confirm whether or not your expected costs can be reimbursed, partially or in full
While we will try and accommodate all Financial Support requests, there is a limited fund available, so if we are oversubscribed we may need to turn applications down. Please do not spend any money that you cannot afford until you have heard back from us about the outcome of your application.
What happens next?
If your Financial Support Application is successful:
- You will receive written notification from the LPO within two weeks of submitting your OrchLab Open Event Financial Support Application Form. At this stage the LPO will also let you know whether we will need to see any receipts or further breakdown of costs after the OrchLab Open Event
If your Financial Support Application is unsuccessful:
- You will receive written notification from the LPO within two weeks of submitting your OrchLab Open Event Financial Support Application Form
- You will still be welcome to attend the OrchLab Open Event
After the Open Event:
- If your Financial Support application was successful, after the OrchLab Open Activity, you will then need to send the LPO a completed OrchLab Open Event Claim Form, with invoice, no later than one month after the Open Activity has taken place
- The LPO will then reimburse the expenses by the end of the month following receipt of the Open Event Claim Form and invoice
- Please note that in order for the LPO to reimburse the claim, you need to have completed any relevant feedback/evaluation from the Open Event you attended
What expenses can I claim for?
You can apply for expenses that cover real anticipated travel or staff costs that you would need to spend in order to attend the OrchLab Open Event. For example:
- the cost of minibus hire for service users to come to OrchLab Festival Day
- the cost of a train ticket for a member of staff to come to an OrchLab Open Web Training session
- the cost of an extra member of staff to accompany a group of service users to OrchLab Festival Day
- the cost of an extra member of staff to stay in your centre, if another member of staff was absent due to attending an OrchLab Open Web Training session
Further information
If you have any questions, contact Hannah Tripp, Education and Community Coordinator at the London Philharmonic Orchestra: hannah.tripp@lpo.org.uk / 020 7840 4227